Wednesday, May 16, 2007

lava fingers

Photo copyright 1996 Gazelle

Kona coast


ras said...

i used to live in Kona Town, up malka way. i surfed pine trees almost everyday after work -mostly the rock but the bay and elevators too. i miss kona. lot's of good memories and a few scars from the reef is all that I have left.

Gazelle said...

Ever trek out to Makalewena? That's a beautiful spot, far from the crowds of town.

Kona sure has changed over the years - Wal-Mart, Costco, traffic signals. I don't miss that part of it.

ras said...

Surfed Maks a couple of times but never caught it good. One of my favorite spots was Waipio. Get there at first light and be out of the water by 9:30 when the onshore winds killed it every time. some of the fastest steepest waves I've ever surfed and a serious shallow impact zone. i plate lunches and cheap Steinlager.

Gazelle said...

Ah, Waipio. That's a favorite of mine, too. And the hike in to Waimanu for some shore pound body surfing was always a treat...