Wednesday, March 21, 2007


1970's promotional photo for Trojan Nuclear Plant, Oregon.
Gee, with a team this groovy looking, nuclear must be the way to go!

Ever get really pissed off about advertising? Happens to me all the time, especially with TV commercials. I try to avoid TV and thereby avoid the problem, but sometimes I gotta catch the Daily Show and South Park, man. I often foolishly think this advertising crap will get to people -that they'll get off their asses and shout, "No more!" But the masses are complacent suckers and I've known that for a long time. Even a lot of the programs and movies themselves have become patterned after the pacing and style of advertising (not to mention the omnipresent product placement). Some good examples are the fluffy "reality" shows on HGTV or VH1 or MTV. So why do I still get riled over all of this? Maybe it's because I stay away from this crap enough that I'm shocked anew when I do catch it. Or, maybe I'm just a dork and I need to chill.

"Maybe Partying Will Help" - Minutemen


pushingtide said...

Great tune.

Foul Pete said...

Reminds me of a more colourful version of the space station in Kubrick's 2001....