Wednesday, March 14, 2007

surfing with god(s)

"Surfing isn’t a religion, because there’s no deity involved in catching a wave. But, surfing is a spiritual connector. It’s like a conduit where one could appreciate God and the forces of the world.”

- Rabbi Nachum Shifren, AKA The Surfing Rabbi

I have to disagree with the Rabbi that there is no deity involved in catching a wave - I mean, who's responsible for the wave? And if it's an insane drop and the surfer pulls it off, isn't that kinda godlike?

I agree that surfing isn't a "true" religion but there's definitely some of the divine in it. For more on this, take a look at the link below. It's not a thesis on the topic, but it is higher quality writing than you usually get in Surfer. And as usual, I like what the Buddhist has to say most of all. Too bad the author didn't get the Native American perspective. Hmmm, I'll do a google search and see what I can find...

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